Monday, October 26, 2009

haha! alright, guess why im still awake so late in the night?
shiok ah! just finished 2 plates of chao kway tiao and a pack of horlicks peng. (:
and on sun,mon and tues, im on leave! off, that's why im still awake and here!
okay, actually, i wanna blog bout last night where i met up with choo,malcolm and taybh.
sometimes, how to enjoy yourself is to simply gather with a group of friends and PLAY MONOPOLY!
don't u guys laugh at me kay! i really enjoyed myself yesterday and played monopoly with them!
we played all night till morning 530 i think.
let's do that again sometime.
and to the rest, PLAY MONOPOLY WITH ME!

Posted by andy. at 1:09 AM

Sunday, October 18, 2009

since i'm waiting for TayBH to come over, i decided that i shall come back to this junk collection centre to dispose off some of my junks.

yesterday was a PH, but i was working from 8a.m - 9p.m!
with only 2 hours of dinner break and 45 mins of lunch break!
apparently, they got some kind of function yesterday at fullerton and i was asked to help out for the function.
after work, went to sengkang and caught up with my old PRIMARY school friend, Choo and Malcolm. dam, did enjoy myself with all the crapping and all. had fun!

anyway, i decided to come up with 1 memorable stuff to blog about everytime i blog. and i shall start it off with 17/10 with this event.

event: i was about to blend some hot tomato sauce.
filled the blender to the level where it's safe. plug in everything and was ready to go!
switch on the blender and BOOM! some idiot never switch it back to low and it was at its highest. and me being an idiot since i dint check it.
good thing i only scalded a small part of my arm. nothing serious, but this serves as a lesson to me,

Posted by andy. at 6:29 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

okay! gonna do a quick one here.
well, wanted to blog bout how's life at fullerton so far yesterday, but something came on and well, here i am today.

monday was my first day at fullerton, for people who don't already know, and it was actually still okay as 1 hour taken to figure out locks and stuffs, was rather busy and time simply flies very fast.

tuesday, almost late, tsktsk. anyway, was NOT late and managed to get ready quick and 'blend' into my station. did work work work, and managed to tick off some points in my logbook already! coolbeans! (alright, overreaction.)

wednesday, 1st day of Orientation!(supposed to be on Mon, but got postponed somehow). really awkward but get to know the people as the day went pass. there's this tour around fullerton which was rather amazing. definitely an eye opener! anyway, the part which shocked me was their presidential suite, $6,888/night, is actually bigger then my house im living in! IMAGINE! 1 goddamn suite, bigger then a regular HDB house. well, maybe to some of you guys, it might be nothing, but for me, a 'mountain tortoise', it was definitely an eye-opener.

thursday, TODAY! day 2 of the 3 days orientation. became less awkward for sure. most of the people had already become more blended in and it was basically like a lesson i had during SHATEC, Communication Skills! they thought us how to serve others and the safety things.

on a side note, they ask me to cut my hair!
said something like my 'tail' was not acceptable.
oh well, hotel have their rules, i just have to abide and i went on and got my hair cut,SHORT!
thank god my dad gave me 10 dollars for the cut as he knew i just got a haircut.

Posted by andy. at 7:51 PM

Sunday, October 11, 2009

well well, thought of blogging to waste some time!
so gonna blog bout yesterday.
initial plan was to meet up with zhon hao and edwin to get some BIRKENSTOCK at 10a.m(we drank the day before till 7a.m) PLAN FAILED! all agreed that we needa sleep and the plan was postponed to 2p.m.
we met up, trained to dhoby ghaut, ate and stared at a cute girl while waiting for the late-comer, EDWIN!
finally, after what seemed to be a long lunch/staring, we headed off to Ion to meet up with edwin.
walked over to wheellock to get my first pair of birkenstock! i swear to god, my left leg is now so sensitive to the heat and the sun yesterday was burning my leg man!
so managed to get zhon hao and me, each a pair of 'slippers' and i dragged them to clarke quay to meet up with my old buddies, Rick,Jerome and Kai.
met them, talked, and went back to hougang as zhon hao and edwin got work.but no worries! i'm not alone as i met up with Taybh! trimmed my hair for my first day at fullerton and he accompanied back home for my dinner. we went to 401 to get some ciggs and slacked around there for some time while devising a plan on what to do.
ended up, we bus-ed to kovan for Taybh's dinner. next thing we know, life planned our plan after dinner. so coincidental that we saw kangyue and yutong after bh's dinner. chat and chat and chat!
i definitely misses sec sch life! after that, we went back hougang and had a short meet up with louis where i left them and went down to bliss for 'david and cindy's birthday celebration'.
thought to be a scam but ended up, david bought some liquors down and the plan carried on.
played some 'scissors paper stone' and 'sha'. drank quite lil, but the mix of red label, martini and campari(dk how to spell) was quite brutal. went home 'high' and slept for awhile before my mom woke me up and dragged me to toapayoh. was feeling quite bad due to the hangover and not enough quickly finish off and went back home to sleep. woke up and i felt so much better!
now, feeling so bored that im actually blogging! kinda excited about starting work at fullerton.
looks like im all alone but no worries, i'm friendly! (i hope)

Posted by andy. at 8:36 PM