Wednesday, June 17, 2009

alrights! just came back from the CATHAY from watching the movie,"ghosts of girlfriends'past."with joseph&co.
pretty not bad i must say, interesting.
it's funny and touching!
kay, i wanna blog about last sunday! a night with the YJRs!
it was FUNny.
went down to red antz to celebrate for the june babies, Vanessa, DC and Elvera.
YJRs! you are a really close group and im envious!
well, had fun and i think that's all im going to say. BYE!
i just want you to know, i wanna be your romeo! (:

Posted by andy. at 2:27 AM

Saturday, June 6, 2009

haha, been sooooo long since i last blog that i think this blog is getting a lil rusty!
anyway, there aint any readers to my blog anyway.
well, im here to blog about HAIR and COUPLES!
first stop, HAIR
whenever i see some guy with long or colored hair, i cant help but to envy them!
how i wish i can keep my hair or even taint my hair with some colors!
i just cant help being envious! ):
second point, COUPLES
i think i have been single for way too long! totally don't know how to approach the girl i like.
neither do i know how to woo girls, or whatever.
when i see couples on the streets/buses, i would often think of when's mine coming?
when can i enjoy the sweetness of love?
but when i think to this point,
"stop dreaming andy! your too ugly to be loved!
you are too rough and hot-tempered!
noone's going to fall in love with you,dumb fuck!"
no kidding, this words really will flash through my mind like a powerpoint slide being presented.
and then comes the money part.
even when im working part-time, i got so many things that i wanna buy which i she bu de buy.
how to date girls!?
noone ever said that life was fair, and i never said it should be....

Posted by andy. at 1:30 AM