Thursday, November 27, 2008

yeap, here are the photos that i promised you guys ya? (: there's still quite a number of photos at Mitchiko's com.
i wonder when she will send them to me.
oh well, till i receive, then i continue to blog it out.

Posted by andy. at 1:35 AM

Sunday, November 23, 2008

WOOO! im back.
LOL, sick-in-the-mind andy is back to blog all about yesterday's event!
it's so sweeeeeeeet!
it's my SHATEC friend, xingyu's birthday yesterday.
well, 22November, its his birthday. the sucky thing was that the drinking session was cancelled.
but no worries, we celebrated in advance,SHATEC jasmine jie's birthday!
had a simple lunch at Marina Square,walked to Bugis and walked walked.
the crew was:
MrOng,Mitchiko,Michelle,Crease,William,Jasmine and me!
the lunch was not bad, and THANK YOU jie, for the treat,wait for my birthday.
i treat you back (:
then while on the way to Bugis,received a call from SHATEC yetying.
she sound like shes quite pissed but NOPE, misunderstanding.
we met up and XINGYU(birthday boy),YetYing and Jamie joined us.
we walked and spent loads of time before we managed to get our
alright, not everyone was in the picture.
but at least i managed to get a lot of people in.
took loads of photos for the day too, but all these photos i will upload it only when i get them (:
around 6+ we split up,
Crease,Jasmine and MrOng, went off to dont know where.
YetYing,Jamie and XingYu was together.
while, Michelle,Mitchiko,William and I went to Mel'sPlace.
the ambience there is great! and it might be my future working place. LOL
had fun,drink and food and the four of us took cab to EastCoastPark!
had more photo-taking and relaxed by the seaside.
we slacked and slacked till around 1 plus then went home.
in the cab.... its sweet. (:
well here are some photos i took while having fun with my SHATEC friends.

Posted by andy. at 11:46 PM

Thursday, November 20, 2008

alrights! today's class start at 1.30!
thats a good thing right? but i rather today have no class.
i stay in hougang, must take around 1hour +++ to reach Bukit Batok.
then tell me go there for a 1 hour class! -.-
oh well, that's life right? its unfair. (:
anyway,yesterday was the DCSoctO8's 1st Class Gathering @ Sentosa! (:
it was sooooooooo fun man!
bad thing was, it rained, i slipped and fell and now my back is starting to hurt. ):
oh well, at least i felt our MOMMY's love!
she gave me:
a badge,that is so darn cute.
a bottle full of coloured sugar, that is so darn beautiful.
and a white hand band, saying 'bring safety home'.
so sweet ya? alrights, going to meet Jerome and go for school soon.
i bet with you guys, noone can understand how helpless i feel.

Posted by andy. at 11:06 AM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

oh well, just came back from ROY's birthday drink? LOL
congrats to our brother here!
your 17 already k?!
do take care and take care of the people around you k?
sorry that i dint bring enough cash to drink with you ah, quite tied at the moment.
well, money is hard to get, that logic i understand now.
well, did not manage to post the photos taken on sat at clarke quay.
shall post it up asap when i get them from Mitchiko!
anyway, guys, i put up a new chatbox already!
please do drop-by and start chatting with me.
i do get bored easily! (:
noone understands the pressure that im going through.

Posted by andy. at 12:50 AM

Saturday, November 15, 2008


alrights, end up, i dint went crease's house cause almost nobody went and it was cancelled.
but still! i did went to Jamie's house to play with her WII!
had fun and took A LOT of pictures within like, 10 minutes?
lols, here are some (:

after that, went home, changed and all and went down to HARBORFRONT!

met up with MITCHIKO,MICHELLE,HASSAN,RICKSON and XINGYU and started studying.

well, that's pretty much all, going out to clarke quay later! see if i can get some photos too!

and 1 more thing, happy birthday MATTHIAS! i wonder if you can see this, oh well.

Life's soooooooooooooo much fun with you guys! (:

Posted by andy. at 6:42 PM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

wooo, what a night.
went Jamie's house to finish up my english homework, and went to find my mom.
ended up, went drinking with her friends and its like im the only young one there!
argh, so awkward!
but who cares, i got my drinks and i sang! (:
cause my mom's friends went to a pub and i tagged along! heehee!
the pub's name is actually quite nice, 7th haven.
LOL, final fantasy fans, you guys know what it is! (:
oh well, later going over to Jamie's house at Tampanies for a stay over/study.
tomorrow going over to Crease's house to study too!
tests are coming, and its the last 2 paper!
work hard andy!
i swear im going to get some pictures to blog about tomorrow (:
cant wait for this coming sat to PARTY! (:

Posted by andy. at 7:40 PM

Monday, November 10, 2008

I ain't gonna cry no
And I won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave girl
I will not stand in your way
-David Cook, Always be my baby.
this song is soooooooooo nice!
i know im slow.
afterall this song came out for quite some time already.
oh well, nice songs worth listening (:

Posted by andy. at 12:39 AM

Sunday, November 9, 2008

well, just wanted to wish that your happy.
even though you told me you dont like him, you ended up with him still.
dam, to think that i was so true to you, you came out so fake with me.
oh well, you enjoy your relationship (:

Posted by andy. at 6:08 PM

stupid stuffs happens.
people changes.
guess i have changed already.
but you wont have any idea what was going through my head man.
i just wanna drink, got the sudden urge to drink.
but as i got on the taxi, told him the location, fear started to come.
Jalan Bukit Merah, block 146.
i was ready, i was scared.
i want to stop, but dont want to turn back.
end up i reached, the scoldings started.
they offered me, they telling me.
end up it was all okay.
there was a catch to it though.
she wont bother, if i dont bother.
she wont have me, if i got her.
but no matter what, i have to end the stuff that i started.
and its ended already. sorry to have caused you so much trouble.
i doubt she will even read this. haha.

Posted by andy. at 5:20 PM

Saturday, November 8, 2008

reached home last night at 1 am!
did not went for jason's event cathering.(sorry, that miss chia talk soooo much!)
did not went for edwin's birthday celebration.(sorry, but happy birthday to you!)
what did i do then?
i went and watched HighSchoolMusical3:SeniorYear!
it was a nice show, funny.
their mouth movement is so funny! so fake laaaaaaaa!
but the songs are real nice.
out of the whole show, i like the first song best ah.
i just like it, don't know how to describe it though.
well, watched the movie with Mitchiko,Michelle,Kai and Hassan.
realised that some of us is watching High School Musical for the first time.
they were definitely the fun bunch!! (:
went home at around 11pm.
took the last train(?) ,to AngMoKio,together with Kai and Mitchiko.
oh well, gotta buck up.
tests are coming soooooooo quickly! stupid!!!!!
what's in the kitchen remains in the kitchen k?
nothings going to spoil this first couple of DCS Oct 08
its great to have him as a buddy.(:
If you're determined to leave girl,I will not stand in your way

Posted by andy. at 4:22 PM

Thursday, November 6, 2008

alrights, im going to start talking about today then backtrack till yesterday.
got back my results for the basic hygiene test that was tested yesterday.
the paper seemed easy, but im scared of the questions.
was told it was rather tricky.
so i kept my fingers crossed and guess how much i got guys?
i became one of the three that topped the class with 49/50 marks! (:
together with Jamie, Dannel and me, we are the 3 that topped the class.
satisfied with my results
just want to thank Kai, Crease and Jasmine for the little tuition session the day before.

alright, yesterday. had my test, some boring day in school. had a hair-cut, to look neat!
and guess what?
i met up with the long lost fly!
together with her BFF, Esther!
great to see that they dint change a bit, but kinda weird as we ate dinner together.
it's seriously been so long since i last saw them,and well, loads of things changed too.
the fly attracted some male fly recently, while Esther changed her course.
well best of luck guys!
anyway, the fly wanted to watch 'they kissed again' so i lent her the DVDs.
we slacked near their house and started talking and sending songs.
then walked them home and i walked home.

oh well, tomorrow's individual stove first thing in the morning at 9.
to think that i even thought of the plating already, well, let's see what tomorrow lies
. (:

Posted by andy. at 9:46 PM

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

thanks guys, thanks for hearing me crap on and on about her.
i guess you guys are right, its time for me to move on. i cant go on like this.
guess its not about us anymore,its your life and mine,2 separate different routes of life.
enjoy your life and i will work hard towards being a good chef.
you work hard with your line too k? i have faith you will make it big next time.
in the meantime, wish me luck k?
im going to start concentrating, no more whining, no more looking back.
its ahead towards my goal, and maybe, who knows? i might reach the top.
go overseas and continue with this art, okay okay, rubbish. but you guys get the point right?
alright alright, enough of the crapping, gotta revise for my test tomorrow.
its hygiene! (:

Posted by andy. at 8:08 PM

Sunday, November 2, 2008

alright, just going through my pictures. remember all these?
missing them, hope your too.(:
going sleep now. woots!

Posted by andy. at 3:08 AM

alrights, im here, back again to blogger.
maybe out of boredom.
maybe cause i got a lot to things wanting to say out, but dont know how to.
but definitely, hoping to get your attention.
its been roughly a weak ya?
my studies in shatec seem to be going downhill too.
during the last IS, my cream of mushroom got screwed.
but thanks, TIMOTHY is there.
haha, im blessed with that guy.
and i must say, thank you so much crease!
thanks for encouraging me and giving me so much help and all when i was about to give up.
speaking of this,i want to say.
remember the times when i advise you not to put
but you told me with a smile that,"i will put at a spot where only you will see it!"
now, i dont have the privilege to see it.other then the pictures you shown me.
remember you told me you disliked clubbing? why did you want to go now?
im in no rights to stop you or anything,however,please take good care of yourself.
and last of all, sorry.
sorry for causing you sucha problem. but do take care. and i swear if you ever get hurt.
i wont ever forgive her, even if shes my own mom.
but rest assured, i would be the one taking the rap.
this time, shes being too unreasonable.
iloveyou,like always.
-boyfriend loves girlfriend

Posted by andy. at 12:11 AM